Iron Ion Stabilizer by iron chelators and iron reductant.


Iron Ion Stabilizer by iron chelators and iron reductant. Acid with the metal surface, will form part of the iron ions into the formation, the activity will be gradually reduced as acid rock of the reaction, acid, the PH value increased, free iron ions to precipitate Fe (OH) 3 form, resulting in two secondary contamination. Iron chelators and Fe3+, Fe2+complexation or chelation, making it less prone to hydrolysis in acid, iron reductant Fe3+ restore to Fe2+ lack of acid PH value can achieve the purpose of stable iron to prevent the iron gel precipitation, and thus with the lack of acid output.


  1. Formation acid fracturing process and water injection systems used in oil and gas wells, pipeline pickling operations.
  2. Hydrochloric acid, mixed acidification of soil acid, hydrochloric acid and phosphoric acid add.
  3. Volume of acid is generally 1 to 1.5%, as the iron concentration determined.