Viscosity Index Improvers are polymer additives that reduce the impact of increasing temperature on the viscosity of lubricants.


Viscosity Index Improvers are polymer additives that reduce the impact of increasing temperature on the viscosity of lubricants. These change the viscosity – temperature relationship of a fluid to temper the natural tendency of fluids to thin with increasing temperature and to thicken at lower temperatures. In essence, VI improvers optimize the rheological properties of the lubricants and enable lubricant formulators to expand the temperature operating window of their products.


This is a high performance PMA based Viscosity Index Improver for formulating the lubricants where very low or zero shear stability index is desired. It is recommended mainly for low SSI hydraulic oils, automotive multigrade gear oils and shock absorber oils. It provides excellent shear stability and retention of oil viscosity at high temperatures.

The addition of this product to base oil in the lubricants, results in the interaction (diffusion) of the oil into the space around the polymer molecules. This product acts through swelling of the polymer chain as the temperature rises to offset the decrease in base oil viscosity.


  • Appearance : Pale to yellow viscous liquid
  • Density @ 15 oC, gm/ml : 0.908
  • Flash Point , ᵒC : > 150
  • Viscosity @ 100ᵒC, cps : 550 – 850

Typical Shear Stability of blends formulated

viscosity features


  • Helps maintain viscosity profile of the Lubricants over a range of temperature
  • The low shear stability to maximize performance and minimize cost in multigrade hydraulic oils
  • Facilitates the flexibility to use Group I base oils in many applications
  • Gives performance at lower treat cost hence, cost effective
  • Easily miscible with lubricants and good handling characteristics